Skydiving can be one of the most exhilarating experiences that you can have. While many people will want to go skydiving at some point during their lives, they may not know how they should prepare for this experience or what to expect when the chance arises for them to go on a skydiving trip.
Should You Avoid Eating Prior To The Jump?
There is an assumption among some individuals that they should avoid eating anything prior to going on their skydive. Often, this assumption is due to fears of experiencing motion sickness. However, having an empty stomach may actually make a person more likely to experience sickness while they are on this trip as their stomach may produce excess acid, which can irritate the stomach. Eating a small snack prior to the jump can help to minimize this risk. For those that are particularly vulnerable to motion sickness, taking motion sickness medication a couple of hours prior to the trip can further reduce the risk of becoming ill.
What Are The Types Of Clothes That You Should Wear During The Skydiving Experience?
A common mistake that people will make when they are planning for a skydiving experience is failing to appreciate the need to dress warmly for the jump. This is due to the fact that it will be significantly colder at elevation, and this, coupled with the high winds that a person can experience during the jump, may cause them to become extremely cold. Ideally, you should consider wearing long pants and a shirt made of thick fabric. In addition to helping you to stay warm during the jump, these garments may help to protect your skin if you were to take a tumble when landing.
Are There Options For Documenting The Skydiving Experience?
Not surprisingly, many people will want to document their skydiving experience as thoroughly as possible. However, they may assume that there will simply be no way to get pictures or video during their actual jump. Yet, there are many skydiving services that can assist their clients with capturing pictures or even videos of the jump. An example of this may be a skydiving service that incorporates small cameras into the helmets of those that are jumping. This can capture video of the entire descent while avoiding the need for someone to physically hold a camera. Knowing the types of videos and pictures that will be taken during the jump can help you with choosing a service.