Mountain bikers using shuttles to get to the top of hills and mountains is a controversial subject. Some believe it takes away from the experience or it's somehow cheating. However, shuttle services actually make the sport more fun and give you more time to ride rather than needlessly pushing your bike up steep hills and wasting hours of ride time.
Here are some of the many benefits of using a shuttle as a mountain biker:
Access More Trails
Some trails are nearly impossible to access without a vehicle, as they're hours away from civilization, or there are no trails that permit you to go in an upward direction. Many mountain bike trails are one-way, so a shuttle might be your only way to the top if there aren't alternatives. If you took a stance that didn't allow you to use shuttles, you would be limiting the trails you can access, which is unnecessary.
Preserve Your Energy
Mountain bikers who insist on getting to the top of trails on foot or riding end up using precious energy they could use on the trail. Although it's hard for non-riders to understand, it takes a lot of energy to go downhill on a mountain bike trail. Avoiding shuttles can result in less riding because you insist on getting to the top without assistance, even though it's available.
Use Your Time on the Fun Parts
Getting to the beginning of a mountain bike trail by riding or pushing your bike not only robs you of your much-needed energy but also takes much longer than a shuttle. Most mountain bikers want to hit as many trails as possible in a single session, but if you waste your time getting to the top of the hills, you'll have much less time to ride.
Avoid Unnecessary Injuries
Injuries are a normal part of mountain biking, but if they occur on your way to the beginning of the trail, it's much more disappointing. If you get hurt while riding a trail, at least you were enjoying yourself. Unfortunately, many riders get injured pushing their bikes up hills because they're too stubborn to take a shuttle.
Don't Let Your Pride Dictate Your Actions
Mountain bikers not using shuttles is like skiers and snowboarders refusing to use ski lifts. You should never let your pride stop you from making intelligent choices. Remember, the best part about mountain biking is riding the trails and not wasting your time and energy getting to them.
For more information on mountain bike shuttles, contact the trails in your area.